Aug 24Liked by sunshine moonlight

Generally great conclusion there, especially with the three census question rewrites, but I must confess “wanting Brazil” seems a bit of a nonsequitur as someone who’s never come across a fellow American vocalizing any aspirations similar to that.

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It was a song reference lol

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Aug 25Liked by sunshine moonlight

Ohhhh gotcha haha 😅

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by sunshine moonlight

Question 2 is weird, Obama's mother would write yes and his father would write no. You should probably rephrase it to exclude Obama's mother.

Anyway, you could also just ask, are you primarily descended from immigrants? That's everyone except ADOS Blacks and Natives. America is a country of immigrants and their descendants. That's why these two groups have so much trouble assimilating.

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Jun 20Liked by sunshine moonlight

America is a country of immigrants and their descendants. That's why Black Americans have so much trouble assimilating. Joseph Heath argues that Black Americans are their own nation basically, distinct from the broader American nation, which includes Whites, Hispanics, Asians, and probably also black immigrants.

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I think that's correct, but the education system seems like it's trying to assimilate every non-white group into the category "poc" based on a supposed shared history of oppression by yt

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They tried with Jews earlier and failed. They are starting to fail with Asians because of SFFA and all of that. The most prominent White Nationalist in America is named Fuentes.

Demonizing purebred whites will not be viable politically when at least 2/3 of the population has a grandparent that is black or from Asia or Latin America. That's where we are headed.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Author

I hope that's correct, but I think they're winning with Asians because the second- and third-gens funnel into the college-educated professional class where idpol dominates. The 2018 Asian American Voter Survey found that 50% favor Dems on racial issues compared to 16% for GOP. According to Pew, 53% think affirmative action is good compared to 19% who say it's bad. In my personal experience, I've noticed a lot of people will say they support it even though they know it disadvantages them personally

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I originally had that in mind to show the absurdity of reparations as a proposal though I've been rethinking my previous hesitance

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"3. What’s your ethnicity? (Write in)"

Would multiple options be possible?

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I think there should be space for people to list several if they want

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Good. But maybe one should be able to list both one’s race and one’s ethnicity if one will want to? For instance:



-Middle Eastern


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I'm kind of opposed to the big racial categories (white, AAPI, etc) and advocate replacing it with ethnicity. For people whose ancestors have been here a long time, they often just put American in lieu of a specific ethnicity

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FWIW, I do see value in seeing how the US’s racial demographics have changed over time. I just dislike the general anti-white tenor of some Leftists, such as with DEI.

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What about European in place of White? Or East Asian in place of AAPI? (Or, alternatively, South Asian? Or Southeast Asian?)

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I think people should write in whatever they prefer; I just oppose the government creating a set of categories that seem artificial and building a racial spoils system on it

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Yeah, I oppose the racial spoils system part—less the categories themselves. At the very least, whites should get a piece of the spoils for themselves. An appropriate piece.

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