There’s a strong correlation between personality and politics, and conservatives have low openness. Thus, conservatives simply can’t bring themselves to care about outgroups the way liberals do.
Conservative parochialism is probably an issue of fundamental values. American nationalists don't cooperate with Mexican nationalist because they fundamentally do not care about Mexico as much as America and vice versa. American communists on the other hand do care about Mexico as much as America and would sacrifice American well-being in favor of Mexican well-being.
There’s a strong correlation between personality and politics, and conservatives have low openness. Thus, conservatives simply can’t bring themselves to care about outgroups the way liberals do.
Conservative parochialism is probably an issue of fundamental values. American nationalists don't cooperate with Mexican nationalist because they fundamentally do not care about Mexico as much as America and vice versa. American communists on the other hand do care about Mexico as much as America and would sacrifice American well-being in favor of Mexican well-being.